Love, peace and chicken rotisserie!
As penny pincher and foodie. If I find a cheap eat or it's simply 'delisiouso', I must share the knowledge. ^_^ Right outside of Andrews AFB is a little peruvian style chicken spot called "Papi's Chicken". I have always been a fan of peruvian rotisserie chicken. If later down the line; some archeologist discovers that Peruvians were the very first to master the art of cooking a chicken? It would not surprise me. My husband had been keeping this one from me for a while. Not sure why, but I was glad was kind enough to share his little secret with me. If most of you know about this place, I was definitely the last to know... >__> 'anywho'
Unfortunately, I was too hungry to photograph my meal so I decided to post the menu instead. So that you can see their prices. Its about 5-10 minutes away from the base; right across Topolinos. I know that some of my followers do not live near me but if you are ever in town you might want to check it out. I like to post these things for my local military friends. Plenty of us here are homesick. I wish I had somebody who would tell me where all the good food and hangouts were when I first got here. Their is family size pack that should feed about 3-4 people is $16.50. They have several meak packages and so much more. They also have a 10% military discount! As far as peruvian style rotisserie this one is one of the best in taste and price. That is all I have for you... for now ;0)

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Thanks a million for posting the menu because I wanted this sooo bad for lunch but could not remember exactly what I wanted and the Family deals they have. THANK YOU!!!!