I wish you the best Pandora Boxx

Now what I am about to say has nothing to do with my personal dislike of Tyra Sanchez. I don't hate her, she is just not my favorite drag. I grew up around this, I'm from NYC, saw my first drag when I was like 6 and I was completely fascinated by her! =] I thought Tyra's theme was very doublement twins; not even going to get into the outfits. The fact that she cannot do make-up on other people, to me is such a Drag Queen disappointment...

Drag Queens, in my opinion, should be able to spread joy, laughter, and all that is 'Glitta'... Does anyone see this in Tyra? In many ways her attitude is poor, completely full she is of herself, and doesn't care about others; at least that is what she portrays in the show. The bottom 2 should have been JuJubee and Tyra...
Not sure if it is I was tainted by the too wong foo movie, but I believe a Drag Queen should be a lot like Vida Boheme. The perfect balance between Diva and Saint... Yes she can be fierce but at the same time she must be willing to give back! That is all...
xoxo, J
P.S. Forget spell check for today and forget grammar v_v it's too late for this and I don't get paid for this right now! hahahahaha Muaahz!
google images, http://images.google.com/images?client=safari&rls=en&q=jujubee+drag&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=15uxS8X3NcKBlAfAwpXdBA&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CBoQsAQwAw
right on
ReplyDeleteim still upset about pandora leaving!
ReplyDeleteI adore Pandora too! Thanks for saying!