Shock Value II is not so shocking...

Sample the new album here ---> ShockValue2
Hip Hop, in general, has evolved over the years. It has taken in other genres like electronic, dance, house, even rock and infused them together; which for the most part has worked out. This might be great for a few songs, but come on 'Timbo'. Did the original sound of hip hop die? I am all for being creative and making new sounds and genre mixing but, can we take it back a notch?
Electronic/Dance etc... Is at the top of my favorite types music. I just feel that this CD is borderline teenie bopper pop. Miley Cyrus? I am not sure if I could ever shake my what my mama gave me to her music. However, my opinion on Miley can change later down the line because, I said the same thing about Lady Gaga, as soon as "let's dance" would play on the radio, I would immediately change the station. Now I love her! As always I wish artist nothing but the best. I don't want to seem like I am 'hating' on 'Timbo' because I am still a big fan. I just have to keep it real. It's who I am, and can't be any other way.
P.S. Shock Value I ^_^ Is till my one of my favorites; love and still play it often!
xoxo, J
Sources:, music samples and photo
Youtube, videos
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