Mineral Makeup

A very common question that I have come across a few times is "which is the best mineral make to use? Is there affordable mineral make up out there?" When it comes to shopping for mineral make up, I look for the ones that do not carry Bismuth Oxychloride there are mixed feelings on this ingredient; some are ok with it, then there the people like me with very sensitive skin that tend to get tiny breaks out with mineral makeup that contain this ingredient. Here is some info on Bismith Oxychloride click here_BO_article
This link includes a list of BO free mineral make up! clickhere!
Personally, I have grown fond of Everyday minerals. They are very cheap and have a vast selection of shades and textures. Their shadows are excellent and high in pigment! Not one color has disappointed me so far. A full size of bare minerals foundation is usually $25 versus a full size of Everyday Minerals foundation is only $12! Not only do you have wide spectrum of shades you get to decide the level of coverage, which are; Original glo, semi matte, matte, and intensive! In simple terms a sheer light coverage - to Photo ready heavy coverage… I use intensive you dance all night and it doesn’t melt off! Check everyday minerals here!
I am not a fan of Liquid. If I ever had to switch back to it I would pick to Cosmedicine or Laura Mercier. They have great tinted moisturizers. After using such weightless mineral make up, I can’t see myself going back to normal liquid foundation. It’s just not for me. Forget MAC foundation G’z that stuff is like paste! If I had serious skin issues that need that MAC like coverage I would rather spend my money on getting medical grade facials and a good dermatologist so that I don’t won’t need to cake it on in the first place! Of course that is just my opinion ^_^
My Mineral face
These are all matters of opinion. All skin is different and results may vary. I am not a skin doctor so I encourage you see a dermatologist to help you decided what is best for your skin. Also, I highly encourage you read the labels of the things you put on your skin. Clean your make up brushes regularly! It makes huge difference, the build up and germs can cause your skin to break out. I hope have answered many of your questions today! If you have any other question feel free to hit me up on twitter or comment on my blog! I will try my best to give or find you an answer…
Xoxo, J
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