I'm Mrs.DJ what song would you like me to play?

I have a supportive husband that says yes to anything I want! I am a free woman, free from the dictator ship of my father... well sorta! lol! My fathers voice is my conscience XD <--- div="div" laughing="laughing" my="my" smiley="smiley">--->
While I have been pondering at my life and its meaning. I learned a few things, according to most that know me. I am no social butterfly how ever, when I am at a party people seem to gravitate towards me. Two V.I.P. in life pointed that out to me. I can arrive at the jam and park myself with my drink. Next thing you know I am surrounded by people and working the room. Not sure why this is, my guess is my Ora must be on full blast when I am in my element, (music, the NYC nightlife) or at least the most I get out of a party here. So I guess when I am in a good mood I can be good with people! lol I always thought I was very bad with people. Other than what I already know about myself, I am artistic, love fashion, and astronomy! I know, what a combo... I hope some Obe Won Blogger drops by this blog and give me some guidance.
Song in my head at the moment:
P.S. Eff Spell Check!
Follow me on Twitter NYCStar ^_^
Sources: Google images
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