Deployment week 1

pro- my house clean and it's staying clean con- I have to take out the trash yuk! I feel like showering.... I miss the apartment trash chute :O/
*Not sure I am going to Blog every week about the deployment maybe monthly who knows... I Don't want it to be like looking at the clock and waiting for the shift to be over lol! I have not blogged in a very long time. I moved, my hubby shipped out, I cried, and cried some more, and I prayed. Its only been about 2 days so I am still a bit blue, but very calm and at peace. Hubby will be in Afghanistan for 6 months and maybe change. I would have preferred him being in Iraq, that battle is pretty much over and the situation is more stable there. The battle begins in Afghanistan now, this is Obama's War which really should have been settled after 9/11. The bright side- this is the right war this time, down side- all war sucks! No war is right but I guess it is necessary...
We Spent the last day hanging around and doing last Minute errands. I got my hair done and We ate at our eat-in Chinese spot!

We Spent the rest of the evening together and talking... He is my best friend and we have been through so many ups and downs, He is my pig out pal, I already miss the noise he makes when he is playing call of duty. Dinners are dull, and everything seems grey. It is usually like this in the beginning of deployments. I am sure it will get better, it is an adjustment to not have him around. Ladies and Gentleman! I am being a Sap! ^_^ hahaha....

I think bloggin will help you get through it and vent some. Hope it goes fast for you and you keep yourself busy xx